Dear Ones,

Today we speak of ‘what is yours and what is another’s’ to take on. Let us explain.

There are things going on in the world right now that you may perceive as negative or bad. You would like to help with the situation, and may not be certain how. Through the process of thinking of how, you may be taking on things that are not yours to take on. You may be feeling the pain or fear of others and taking it on for yourself. You may be allowing things or others to pull you into their chaos, their drama, their energetic responsibility.

If you watch the news or watch what is happening through some form of media, there are many changes happening — again, you may be perceiving them as bad and feeling they are yours.

If it is something you are passionate about, by all means find out what you can do to help. If it is something you feel you ‘should’ do something or are feel guilty if you don’t do something, those are not for you to take on. 

Feel into the energy of these:

  • I am passionate about (fill in the blank) and would like to help
  • I should do something about (fill in the blank)
  • If I don’t do something about (fill in the blank) I’ll feel bad

When you hear about something, going on outside of your life, ask yourself what can you do about it, if anything, and then what (if anything).

  • Can you ask the Divine to surround the situation in love? Always!
  • Can you ask Angels to help? Yes, for all who are open to receiving the help.

Then take a deep breathe and release it from your energetic responsibility. You do not need to take on the pain, the suffering, the fear, the anger – any of it. Release these feelings that are not yours.

This does not make you a cold individual — far from it. It helps the love and the unseen beings (Angels and many others) by you feeling the love, being the love and expanding the love. Your love the Divine love is fuel for love to expand. We feel your love and it expands even more.

Thank you for being the love and sending love when you see the many changes happening in the world. Whether it affects many people or just a few, it is helpful. 

Be the love.

~ Your Angels ~

Angel Blessings to you.

Empowerment 4 You LLC

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